
Irish Moss Sunburn Soother

Irish Moss Sunburn Soother

Irish Moss  gel is a great ingredient for a nourishing and soothing topical treatment for sunburnt skin. Here's our recipe to make this at home.


  • ¼ cup Irish moss gel
  • 1 cup distilled water
  • ¼ cup aloe vera gel
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • A few drops of essential oil (lavender or chamomile)


  1. Measure ¼ cup of the seaweed jelly, then mix it with the aloe vera gel.
  2. Pour the seaweed mixture into a blender and blend on a low speed while slowly adding the oil in a thin stream until blended. You will have a light lotion.
  3. Pour the lotion into a clean container.

To use, massage a small amount into your skin. Because it‘s largely aloe-based, this lotion sinks into your skin quickly and absorbs well. It does a great job of moisturising without making your skin feel greasy.

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