Roasted Pineapple Salsa with Dulse
This Pineapple Salsa recipe with Roasted Dulse has a delightful twist! The dulse adds excellent colour, flavour and a burst of extra nutrients. Serve with corn ships or as a garnish.

This sea lettuce butter recipe has an umami flavour thanks to the sea lettuce. Sea lettuce is an iron rich food and brings of soft and subtle flavour to your butter.

This vegan broth recipe with seaweed is made by roasting vegetables along with umami-rich ingredients (miso, mushrooms, and kombu), which gives this meat free broth a deep, satisfying flavour and a...

Manuka Smoked Dulse Butter Recipe
This Smoked Dulse Butter Recipe was described as ‘vegan caviar’ at the Auckland Food show in 2021!

2 Recipes to Make Irish Moss Gel at Home
Here are our 2 failproof ways to make Irish Moss (Sea Moss) gel at home. Follow the instructions carefully for best results!