Salt Crusted Roast Beef, Columbian Style
This Salt crusted roast feef, Columbian style recipe makes a spectacular meal. It is full of flavour and melts in your mouth. It is not as salty as you may think - the salt keeps the moisture in.

Shiitake Mushroom Soup with Dulse
This shitake mushroom soup recipe with dulse is a flavourful, nutrient-rich broth that will feed both body & soul.

Nourishing Seaweed Stock Recipe
This nourishing Seaweed Stock Recipe is used in Japan as a base for miso soup and stews. The vegetables from the land and sea offer excellent nutritional value and wonderful umami.

Tuna Poke Bowl with Seaweed is simple and quick to make, Tuna Poke requires very few ingredients, but ones that are raw & fresh!
This cheese stick recipe with seaweed gives an umami twist. Make your own in minutes and they are far more nutritious than store bought options when a little seaweed is added.

Chicken Kebab Recipe with Citrus Furikake
This flavourful chicken kebab recipe uses seaweed seasoning (furikake) to add the nutritional boost of 5 different seaweeds to the dish!

Roasted Pumpkin Recipe with Furikake
Roast pumpkin with furikake seaweed seasoning is always a wonderful addition to a meal - the pumpkin turns golden, the seaweed caramelises on it and it's bursting with nutrition.

Neena and Belinda made this gorgeous Chilli Kelp Spiced Lamb with our Chilli Kelp seasoning on TV ONE's My Kitchen Rules NZ. Kelp tenderises and reduces cooking time whilst adding a wonderful flavour.

Charred Cabbage - Seaweed Inspired
Kelp is full of Umami flavour & health giving nutrients - our Charred Cabbage is seaweed inspired - not an obvious combination but one that will surprise and delight.